Information Security

The course provides instruction in security for network hardware, software, and data including using physical security measures, instituting backup procedures, protecting systems against attacks and intrusions, and gaining protection from malware. And, the course covers applying these concepts to the theme of “Protecting Yourself in the Digital Age.”

Information security foundations, security design principles; security mechanisms, symmetric and asymmetric cryptography, encryption, digital signatures, key management, authentication and access control; software security, vulnerabilities and protections, malware, database security; network security, firewalls, intrusion detection; security policies, policy formation and enforcement, risk assessment, cybercrime, law and ethics in information security, privacy and anonymity of data.

In this course student will be able to learn basics of information security, in both management aspect and technical aspect. Students understand of various types of security incidents and attacks, and learn methods to prevent, detect and react incidents and attacks. Students will also learn basics of application of cryptography which are one of the key technology to implement security functions.

Overview of Information security

CIA Triad

Level of impacts on security breach

Computer Security challenges

Security principle

OSI Security Architecture 

Security Services

Security Mechanisms

Security Attacks

Model for Network Security

Symmetric Cryptography 

Asymmetric Cryptography

Encryption Algorithms

Hash function

Digital Signature

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