Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch 5

Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch 5 Questions

  • Why RAM or Main memory is called Volatile Memory?
  • What is DRAM?
  • What do you know about BUS interconnection?
  • Describe some activities of control unit.
  • What is Zero-Address instruction format?
  • State the purpose of execute instruction.
  • Define the roe of I/O units.
  • What does ALU do in computer Architecture?
  • What is motherboard?
  • Define the term compiler?
  • Differentiate between source code and object code.
  • What does permanent storage device do?
  • Why does Machine Language program execute faster?
  • Describe the role of main memory in computer system.
  • State computer architecture.
  • List different unit of CPU.
  • What is SRAM?
  • Why does DRAM use more power?
  • What are system buses?
  • List name of address or segment registers.
  • Define assembler.
  • Define programming language.
  •  State the use of parallel port.
  • State the purpose of CPU registers.
  • What are interrupts?
  • What is instruction set?
  • Describe assembly language.
  • State the use of serial port.
  • Name two parts of instruction format.
  • Define Stack.
  • What is Decoding?
  • What is logical unit of ALU?
  • What is program counter?
  • Differentiate between AL and AH register.
  • What is the function of DMA?
  • Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
  • Define PROM?
  •  Define high-level language.
  • Define source code.
  • Define main memory.
  • Describe different unit of CPU.
  • List some important components of computer architecture.
  • What do you know about I/O devices?
  • Describe cache memory.
  • Why ROM is called Non- volatile?
  • Define operating system.
  • What is microprocessor?
  • What is I/O instructions?
  • Define instruction format?
  • What is instruction register?
  • What is CPU?
  • Define accumulator register.
  • Why does machine language program faster?
  • What is code segment register?
  • What is ALU?
  • Why does SRAM use less power than DRAM?
  • Give some example of high level languages.
  • Describe stack pointer register function.
  • How control unit works?
  • Define the structure of main memory.
  • Differentiate between PROM and EPROM.
  • What are expansion buses?
  • State the use of register.
  • Define operand code.
  • Describe computer architecture.
  • What is the use of memory address register?
  • Describe three address instruction format.
  • Describe DMA with respect to I/O unit.
  • What do you mean by 1/0 read and 110 commands?
  • Write one difference between primary memory and cache memory.
  • Write the purpose of data transfer instructions.
  • Write function performed by logical unit.
  • Describe computer program.
  • List name of four different address registers.
  • Write any two function performed by ALU.
  • How is data transfer from peripheral device to computer?
  • Name any four general-purpose registers.
  •  Differentiate between operand code and operand.
  • Differentiate between serial port and parallel port.
  • Describe high-level language.
  • What is control unit?
  • Why RAM is used in computer?
  • Brief about low-level language.
  •  What is object code?
  • What is stack register?
  • Define port?
  • Why ALU is necessary for a computer system?
  • Why I/O instruction are used?
  • Write the use of memory buffer register?
  • What is the concept of memory address?
  • Why EEPROM is used?
  • State the purpose of control bus?
  • Differentiate between Linker and Loader?
  • What is the difference between compiler and interpreter?
  • Why ROM is used in computer system?
  • List any four functions of operating system?
  • How does an instruction differ from operation?
  • Define general purpose register?
  • Describe the role of memory management?
  • What is the purpose of fetch instruction?
  • Differentiate between SRAM and DRAM?
  • How does cache memory works?
  • Differentiate between CX and DX registers?
  • Define the role of interpreter?
  • How compiler works?

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