Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch-4

Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch 4 Questions

  • What is video conferencing?
  • How can computer be used in marketing?
  • What is computer simulation?
  • What is online education?
  • State the purpose of ATM?
  • Define desktop publishing.
  • What is image processing system?
  • How is E-commerce useful in modern business?
  • How computer can be used in airline system?
  • How computer is useful in weather forecasting?
  • What is DARPA?
  • Explain importance of using computer.
  • What is robot?
  • How robots are used in industry?
  • Define CAD.
  • Explain computer aided manufacturing process.
  • Describe computer-based training.
  • Define E-commerce.
  • How computer are used in stock exchange?
  • How computer can be used in Marketing?
  • List some application of robot.
  • Differentiate between CAD and CAM.
  • Describe the use of computer in medical field.
  • What is reprographics?
  • What is electronic shopping?
  • Define Computer Aided Learning?
  •  List two use of computer in business.
  • List four fields where computer is commonly used.
  • What is meant by online banking?
  • Define document management system.
  • How computer can be used in airline system.
  • How CAM works.
  • State the purpose of computer aided design.
  • How computer can be used in departmental store.
  • List any two application of computer in education?
  • Write any two advantages of using ATM in banks?
  • List four benefits of video conferencing?
  • Write four benefits of computer-based training?
  • Write two use of computer at home?

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