Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch 6

Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch 6 Questions

  • How can virus damage computer?
  • What is Anti-virus software?
  • Define Legislation.
  • What do you mean by Security Threats?
  • Define Security.
  • Write about Biometric.
  • Define computer virus.
  • Explain virus activation in computer.
  • What is password?
  • Define antivirus software.
  • Define software piracy.
  • How virus spread through E-mail?
  • Why backup is important.
  • Briefly describe data security.
  • What is 1980 privacy protection act?
  • How does boot sector virus work?
  • What do you mean by data protection?
  • What is privacy issue?
  • What is copyright act?
  • What is pirated software?
  • What is antivirus?
  • What is the purpose of copyright act?
  • What is Redlof?
  • Why is data security importance?
  • Define incremental backup.
  • List name of two biometrics methods.
  • How pirated software spread viruses?
  • Who is a hacker?
  • Why we use biometrics in computer security?
  •  How pirated software damages your data?
  • Why user rights are assigned?
  • What is boot sector virus?
  • Enlist any four different types of viruses?
  • What is intellectual property?
  • Difference between virus and antivirus?

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