Past Papers 12th Class Computer Science Ch 2

Past Papers 12th Class Computer Science Ch 2 Questions

  • Define Foreign Key.
  • Who as data administrator?
  • What is the purpose of using views?
  • What is the difference between primary key and foreign key?
  • Define the term relation.
  • Define entity.
  • What is primary key?
  • List different types of keys.
  • Differentiate between primary key and secondary key.
  • Define composite key.
  • Differentiate between candidate key and primary key.
  • Who is database administrator?
  • How a relation formed in database?
  • What is secondary key?
  • Who is End user?
  • Differentiate between Fixed Length Field and Variable Length Field.
  • Write two responsibilities of a database administrator.
  • What is meant by data modeling?
  • What are views?
  • Define key?
  • What is the basic purpose of using views?
  • Write three important characteristics of a primary key?
  • Why are key define tables?

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