Past Papers 12th Class Computer Science Ch 1

Past Papers 12th Class Computer Science Ch 1 Questions

  • What is meant by transection file?
  • What is meant by data independence?
  • What do you mean by Data Integrity?
  • What is meant by Database?
  • Differentiate between data and information.
  • What is data processing?
  • Enlist different types of database models.
  • What is the concept of data consistency constraints?
  • What is file?
  • Write two advantage of DBMS.
  • Define the term redundancy.
  • What is backup file?
  • Name different type of file organization.
  • State the use of query language.
  • State the use of index in FMS.
  • Why file organization is important in a database design? Give two reasons.
  • Define program file.
  • List file types.
  • What is data dictionary?
  • Name four database objects.
  • Describe term information.
  • List any two objectives of DBMS.
  • List two advantage of file indexing.
  • Define data inconsistency?
  • What is the purpose of backup and recovery?
  • Define data?
  • Any two difference between file processing and database approach?
  • Define data file.
  • List any two file types from usage point of view.
  • Differentiate between Master file and Transaction file.
  • List any two problems in traditional file approach.
  • Define data manipulation.
  • Describe network model.
  • What is the use of DML?
  • List three example of database system.
  • Write shortcut key to compile and run C program.
  • What is database system?
  • Why do people use database?
  • Difference between database and database management system.
  • What is the use of DDL?
  • Differentiate between data redundancy and data inconsistency?
  • Why is report generator used in database system?
  • Why is it important to specify data type and size of a field?

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