Past Papers 12th Class Computer Science Ch 14

Past Papers 12th Class Computer Science Ch 14 Questions

  • Define EOF marker.
  • What is text file?
  • Compare binary and text stream.
  • Define a pointer.
  • What is binary stream?
  • Which access method can access the data directly?
  • Which function is used to close a file in C language?
  • Write the use of New Line Marker.
  • What is the use of data file?
  • What do you mean by text stream?
  • Describe the purpose of file handling?
  • Why it is important to close a file?
  • List any two ways to write text data?
  • List two types of stream used in files?
  • Define a stream.
  • List three names of function used for character input.
  • How a file open in C?
  • What is a file pointer?
  • How is file closed?
  • What is meant by fgets function?

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