Past Papers 12th Class Computer Science Ch 8

Past Papers 12th Class Computer Science Ch 8 Questions

  • Define Programming Language.
  • Who is Programming?
  • Differentiate between Syntax and Logical Error.
  • What do you mean by case sensitive in C-language?
  • Write two reasons why it would be preferable to write a program in C rather than machine language.
  • State the purpose of defining preprocessor directive.
  • What is an assembler?
  • Define Object code.
  • Distinguish between low level and high level language.
  • Define Preprocessor directive.
  • What is syntax error? Give an example.
  • Define linking.
  • What is header file?
  • Define the term bug and debug.
  • What do you mean by delimiters?
  • Give an example of preprocessor directive.
  • Why is C Known as strongly typed language?
  • Define Source code.
  • Define program.
  • Define High level language.
  • How a source code is different than an object code?
  • List four advantages of C-language.
  • What do you mean by bug?
  • List any four commonly used High Level Language.
  • Why the Source Code cannot be executed directly?
  • Differentiate between preprocessor directives and header file.
  • Name two main categories of programming language.
  • Define Run-time error.
  • How program logic implemented?
  • Define assembly language?
  • Write down Math.h
  • Differentiate between machine and assembly language?
  • What is meant by Structured Program Language?
  • What is meant by comments? Also give an example?
  • Why does machine language programs execute faster?
  • What is the use of main () function in C.
  • Differentiate between source code and object code.
  • What is meant by language processor?
  • Why the logical error is the most difficult error to find?
  • Enlist logical operators.
  • Differentiate between compiler and interpreter.
  • Describe the concept of linker.
  • What are logical errors?
  • Differentiate between linker and loader?
  • Why do you include `` stdio.h ´´ header files in C-program?
  • What is the purpose include directive?
  • How is header file included in C-program?

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