Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch-2

Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch 2 Questions

  • Write the name of different LAN protocols.
  • What is ARC Net?
  • How does tree topology differ from mesh topology?
  • List at least two differences between FTP and HTTP.
  • What is CSMA/CD?
  • What is MAN?
  • How does star topology works?
  • In which situation gateway is used.
  • Define LAN.
  • Write some benefits of using computer networks.
  • What is bus topology?
  • What is intranet?
  • What is workgroup computing?
  • Explain TCP/IP.
  • Define computer network.
  • Distinguish between De-factor and De-jure standards.
  •  Define network interface card.
  • Define the term baseband.
  • Define ring topology.
  • What is the use of token in ring topology?  
  • What is data link layer of OSI model?
  • Name different types of LAN topologies.
  • Define extranet.
  • How ISDN is different from DSL?
  • Define dedicated server.
  • Define encoder and decoder.
  • What is MAN?
  • Define Gopher.
  • Define the term bridge.
  • Give two use of Email.
  • Give two reasons for the importance of computer network.
  • Differentiate between intranet and extranet.
  • Write two use of bridge in network.
  • What is uploading and downloading of data?
  • Define local area network.
  • How bridge improves network performance?
  • Why Server computer is more powerful then client computers?
  • What is the purpose of application layer?
  • State the purpose of transport layer.
  • Write the two use of server computer.
  • What is client server network model?
  • What does means by network topology?
  • Enlist different components of LAN?
  • What is physical layer function?
  • List any two benefits of computer network.
  • Write two function of network layer.
  • What is groupware?
  • Distinguish between LAN and WAN?
  • State the purpose of router?
  • Which transmission media is used in LAN?
  • What is the use of repeater?
  • How tree topology is constructed?
  • Write the function of presentation layer?
  • What is the function of session layer in OSI model?
  • How does TCP/IP transmit data?
  • State the purposes of telecommunication.
  • What is Email?
  • What do you mean by www?
  • Define a Website?
  • Distinguish between frame and packet?
  • Which two topologies are combined to make a tree topology?
  • What is network protocol?
  • Define client computer?

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