Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch-8

Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch 8 Questions

  •  List some uses of word processor.
  • What is page formatting?
  • Define the term font.
  • Define Header and Footer in MS-Word?
  • What shot cut keys for Cut and Copy?
  • Define insertion point.
  • What is mail Merge?
  • Describe Microsoft Word.
  • What is status bar?
  • Define Margins.
  • What is text editor?
  • What is Drop cap option in MS-Word?
  • What is word wrap?
  • Differentiate between header and footer.
  • State the use of page setup dialog.
  • Define paragraph indentation.
  • Define print queue.
  • How can you start MS-Word?
  • State the title bar and toolbar in MS-Word.
  • Write the purpose of document management system.
  • Define word processor.
  • State the use of clipboard in MS word.
  • How does insert mode differ from over type mode?
  • What is character formatting?
  • What is word art option in MS-Word? How can you insert it?
  • Describe two typing modes in MS-Word.
  • List any two difference in cut and copy option.
  • Differentiate between line spacing and paragraph spacing.
  • How the text is made bold in MS Word?
  •  Write two features of full-featured word processors.
  • What do you mean by paragraph spacing?
  • What do you know about indentation?
  • Difference between undo and redo commands?
  • What is paragraph formatting?
  • Describe the term alignment.
  • State the purpose the mail merge.
  •  Differentiate between margins and indent of paragraph.
  • Why auto shape toolbar is used?
  • How macro in MS Word is helpful for us?
  • What is WHYSIWYG?
  • What is meant by page orientation?
  • What is word processing?
  • Write short note on formatting in MS Word.
  • List two advantage of word processor over typewriter?
  • What is meant by editing in MS word document?
  • What is chart?
  • Write the procedure to insert text box in word processor?
  • Write down names of two simple text editor?
  • Write the procedure to insert the column in word processor?
  • What is paragraph formatting?
  • Describe the term alignment?
  • State the purpose of mail merge.
  • Differentiate between margins and indent of paragraph.
  • Why auto shape toolbar is used?

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