Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch 10

Past Papers 11th Class Computer Science Ch 10 Questions

  • Describe web publishing.
  • How can we connect to internet?
  • Write four problem associated with E-mail.
  • Define the term “internet”.
  • What does URL mean?
  • Differentiate between Web Browser and Web Server.
  • Write short note on ISP.
  • What is cyber banking?
  • What is the difference between Electronic mail and voice mail?
  • What do you know about uploading and downloading?
  • Enlist the name of some search engines.
  • Define DNS addressing.
  • Define WWW.
  • Name some advantages of E-mail.
  • State the use of web browser.
  • Define E-mail address.
  • What is IP addressing?
  • Which type of files can be attached to email messages/
  • How web pages are created?
  • What is internet explorer?
  • Differentiate between URL and website.
  • Briefly describe web surfing.
  • Write two use of internet.
  • Define search engine.
  • What is websites? Explain with example.
  • List name of some popular web browser.
  • Name two addressing schemes used for identifying computers on internet.
  • Differentiate between websites and web page.
  • List any two negative impacts of internet on society.
  • What is web hosting?
  • What do you know about newspaper?
  • What is domain name system?
  • Define the term ARPANET.
  • Distinguish between HTTP AND HTML.
  • Define web browser.
  • Who is the owner of internet?
  • Why domain name is used?
  • Where are the websites hosted?
  • Distinguish between HTTP AND FTP?
  • Define a website?
  • State the purpose of news server in newsgroup?
  • List out four domains with their type of institutions?

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